The Huhu Range

The Huhu Range

It can be whatever you need it to be, have a chat with us to discuss your requirements.

But here’s some of what we have been doing. We hope you enjoy having a browse..

Attractive Wooden Signage :
If a need for attractive wooden signage that blends beautifully into the natural environment,  has brought you to Huhu, we look forward to working with you.

Customised Commercial Work:
We have done wooden key tags with room numbers, designed for a local tourism lodge.

Gifts, Souvenirs and Décor:
Children’s names for their bedroom.
Growth rulers customized with your surname or children’s names/birthdates.
Moving? Just take that precious record with you and mount it on the new wall.

Coasters and Bookmaks
Engraved with a variety of  iconic designs including NZ Flora/ Fauna, coasters, bookmarks

Huhu Toys
Our goal is to make fun, playable, enduring toys. We have plenty of ideas and plans but welcome any suggestions you might have.

  • Handmade wooden toys.

There are many wonderful wooden toys in the world today. To maintain that point of difference we make an effort not to copy other designs, but rather to explore the possibilities for design within our own imaginations. One of the goals of our designs is to give children a sense of future within a world they recognise.
