
Who is huhu?

Tucked away in the beautiful Waihopai in Marlborough, NZ’s South Island, our family work from our small farm, crafting your design. We enjoy views of the forest and when the flying sawdust gets too much, we swim in the river. A great habitat for a Huhu!

As is often the case, challenging circumstances bring the urge to create to the surface. Huhu is no exception. After a nasty back injury, the decision was made to pursue ideas that had begun years earlier. So Huhu was born, seeking to follow a path of making original designs.
Not just toys. Any CNC cut designs from our imagination or yours, I might be able to have a go at designing and making it! Contact us and let’s throw around the ideas.

All our designs are made from untreated recycled or new timber. We use natural “Eco” sealers and paints to seal our products.

There are many wonderful wooden toys in the world today. To maintain that point of difference we make an effort not to copy other designs, but rather to explore the possibilities for design within our own imaginations. One of the goals of our designs is to give children a sense of future within a world they recognise.


Bringing a Huhu toy to life.

Is all about family..
Dad combines his interest in mechanical engineering and drafting, with a love of design, with his background in organic farming and agricultural contracting. When it comes to designing Huhu Motorcycles, you guessed it, he was a keen motorcyclist.
Mum combines her background in public teaching with her decades of home educating their children. She has tested, tidied and tripped over, plenty of toys!
Mum places a high value on a child’s work of imagination and play.
As parents we love working together to bring you a toy that has been fashioned through the lens of our combined working, teaching and parenting experiences, has a bit of our hearts and a lot of thought.
So when Dad asks, “What do you think about this idea?
“Should I change this? He gets an honest answer from Mum and the children.
A Huhu toy has a high task.. it has to spark imagination or bring wonder.
Our goal is to put a smile on someone’s face.

John’s works of art, deserve more than the word – toy
Malcom , (replica commission)